Life of a Blogger #3: If you could live anywhere?

Life of a Blogger

Life of a blogger is hosted by Jessi @ Novel Heartbeat where we share stuff about ourselves outside of blogging.

There’s so many places I want to go but I can’t imagine living in many of them. I’d love to live in America, I can’t say what state though as there’s loads I’d be happy in for different reasons. And books….. I’d be in a better place for receiving books for review as the UK isn’t all that easy for most.


I think as long as it’s warm (not too warm because I’d get heat stroke) and i’ve got a room I can convert into my own personal library I’d be happy (Something like above). I like new modern houses but I’m a sucker for Architecture so I’d prefer an old style house, Victorian or maybe even a big church with lots of detail. Something like this…

Victorian house

Or this…


I’d be a very happy girl with either one, imagine the library in the church though, with floor to ceiling shelves. I’d have to have some very tall ladders built in or I’d never reach the top 😀

Where would you live if you had no limits?

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