Life of a Blogger #6: Guilty Pleasures

Life of a Blogger

Life of a blogger is hosted by Jessi @ Novel Heartbeat where we share stuff about ourselves outside of blogging.

There’s not a lot I would count as a guilty pleasure as I don’t feel guilty for doing some of them, but here’s mine…

Smoking– yes smoking makes me feel guilty. I did quit the day I found out I was pregnant with my son Gideon but started up again when he was 3months old, it’s a habit I need to break as it’s money I can spend on the little man.

Dr. Pepper– I drink a helluva lot of Dr. Pepper, like 1-2 bottles a day (the small ones). My family keep telling me to stop or I’ll get addicted. Can you really get addicted to a fizzy drink?

Erotica– after I’ve put the little one to bed I love curling up on the sofa or climbing into bed with a steaming hot erotica novel to keep me warm. I’m glad I’ve got a kindle as some of the books I read would make me blush if people could see them.

World of Warcraft– geeky right? I’m not a massive fan of WoW and most of the time I get bored out of my mind playing it, I hardly do quests anymore (only to level up when needed). I prefer doing the achievements (which takes forever), I’m what they call an Achievement whore but I can’t help it. It’s £8.99 a month and seriously not worth it but I can’t cancel my subscription :/

Disney Movies– I hadn’t seen Disney films in ages up until I had Gideon but now I’ve got an excuse to watch them out in the open without feeling dorky. I love them, have since a kid and probably always will. I couldn’t even tell you my favourite as I have so many, I’ll just say them all.

Cherry bakewell tart– you know them big ones that’s supposed to be for like 4-5 people? Well I can eat a whole one of them to myself in one sitting. Even if I know I’ll feel sick afterwards I’m still compelled to do it.

What are your guilty pleasures?


5 thoughts on “Life of a Blogger #6: Guilty Pleasures

  1. Jessi (@NovelHeartbeat) says:

    I don’t smoke and I’m not a fan of dark pop, but I sure do love my Disney movies! And there’s nothing to be ashamed of with WoW! I never played it, but I had a demo of Warcraft 3 and it was SO addicting. My nerdy addiction is Skyrim! (I so should have added that to my list.)
    I’ve never had a cherry bakewell tart, but with my sweets addiction I’d be afraid to try!

    • Ashton @ Morphys Book Blog says:

      Warcraft 3 is addictive, I agree with you there. Skyrim! Why didn’t I think of that? I’ve got it on the PC and ps3, it’s a great game, I think I prefer oblivion though. Cherry bakewell might not be a good idea with a sweets addiction but look at the bright side, it’s full of cherries (healthy right :D)

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